Friday, September 7, 2018

Linked List Functions Implementation

In my last post about linked list I talked about how we can insert elements in linked list and how to print those elements. But there are a lot of other functions that we can perform on linked list, I am listing some them below and their functionalities:
      pushFront() -> adds element to the front of the list
      topFront() -> returns the data of the first element
      popFront() -> removes first element of the list
      pushBack() -> adds element at the end of the list
      popBack() -> removes the last element from the list
      find(data) -> returns true or false depending on weather the value exists in the list or not
      erase(data) -> removes element  from the list
      empty() -> returns boolean value depending on weather the list is empty or not
      addsBefore(node,data) -> adds element before a node

Now I'll implement some of these functions.

To push an element in the front we'll just have to create a new node insert the data and initialize it's next pointer with head that means new node will point to previous first elements   and then initialize head with currentNode because now this is the first element. As all of these operations takes constant time, time complexity of pushFront() is order of 1 i.e. O(1).

To get the data of the list we'll just have to return data of head. It takes constant time.

To delete the first element we'll just have to delete the first element and update the head pointer with the next elements reference. It takes constant time.


To push elements at the end of the list is similar to pushFront only difference is this time we'll update tmp because that is what we're using to keep track of the tail of the list.

To find any data we'll have to traverse the list until we find it or if it is not on the list then till the end of list. In worst case this takes order of n  i.e. O(n) time.
Full Source Code in C++
Full Source Code in Python3

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